Episode 31

Show Notes

Guest: Matt Gardiner | Certified life and recovery coach

Date: June 17, 2022

Matt Gardiner is a passionate and empathetic Recovery Coach & Life Coach who has helped numerous people get out of their ‘stuck stories’ and move towards the life of their dreams.

He focuses on changing the language & words, and the stories you’ve been attaching to the events in your life.

Better words + better breathing = better life.

Matt’s vision of Recovery includes an active and healthy lifestyle, that also includes planning for some very deliberate, relaxing downtime for self-care and healing.

Matt is also a gifted musician and Sound Therapist, which compliments his work as a Coach.

‘Beyond Recovery’ is a podcast hosted by Matt, where guests come on to share their journeys to, and through, recovery.

Matt’s Podcasts


Matt’s Contact Information/social media




Matt Gardiner
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Hosted By:
Jacob Minnig, MA, LADC

Jacob has always had a strong passion for helping people in need, in addition to helping others achieve their personal health and fitness goals. He has experience with and enjoys assisting others as they work through life’s challenges.

Learn More

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